SmartPhone JBQ

I have been exploring how my district can move forward with JBQ this year even with the restrictive changes. One thing I have found for those who have not seen it yet, is the Study-Pro / JBQ FactPak app by Keith Smith. Keith has written several tools for Bible Quiz and has had one for JBQ on a PC for years. In one of a recent email from the national office I saw an ad for his app and bought it. Like his PC software it has all the BFP (Bible Fact-Pak) questions in it for review and tracking with all fitting nicely in your pocket. He has a breakdown of the questions to study for many of the districts across the country, in most cases all you have to do is find your district. He is willing to add your district if they do not show up, by simply sending the break down to him in an email.

Like his PC software it is a very well designed app but now you can carry it with you all the time. There is an android app as well. With the loss of creating custom study guides, I can see this as a valuable tool for all  parents to use when studying with their children. The price is $9.99 which is the same price as the study guide book and I highly recommend it over the book for parents in their private study with their children.

I hope you find this useful.


by Keith Smith there is also

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